Help us provide support

We raise our funds from regular donations from loyal supporters, donations from corporate partners and fundraising events. We are always in need of funds, please support us.
Support us by making a donation through JustGiving

Donate Online

It’s simple and secure

Just click ‘Make a donation!’ button below to go to JustGiving website. Choose how much you want to donate and return to our website. It’s so simple!

Thanks to JustGiving you can now make a donation in few moments and leave all the rest to people who will take care of the funds. Thank you so much for helping!

Bank Transfer

It’s very simple too

If you just don’t feel like making a donation on-line, you can simply transfer the money the way you like it to our bank account.

You can either use your internet banking or visit one of your bank’s branch. Our account details are as follow:

Name GO Girls
Sort Code 60-07-01
Account Number 43852440

Standing  Order

Stay with us for longer

Our work requires a lot of effortless work. That is why we do appreciate when you remember about us.

Thanks to JustGiving you can now make a monthly donation in few moments and leave all the rest to people who will take care of the funds. Thank you so much for helping! Simply select monthly on the JustGiving donation page.

Make a Donation


Post us a cheque

We understand for some of our donors the most convenient way to help us is through cheque.

To do this simply post your cheque to our registered address below:

44 The Ridgeway
Help support GO Girls is by signing up to EasyFundraising.


 Support as you shop online

With more and more of us shopping online these days - for all sorts of reasons, one of the ways you can help support GO Girls is by signing up to EasyFundraising. Follow the link below to make every penny count for GO Girls to help us to provide you with on-going support and to continue to raise awareness of gynaecological cancers. 


0.5% will be donated

AmazonSmile is a website run by Amazon that’s recently launched in the UK.

It’s exactly the same as, but there is a wide range of products eligible for a donation. Every time you buy an eligible product, Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) to one of several charities, at no additional cost to the customer or to the chosen charity.

Open AmazonSmile

 Give as you Live

Support as you shop online

Help support us whilst you shop online for anything from clothing and accessories to travel deals at over 4,000 top stores with Give as you Live. All at no extra cost to you.

Shopping through Give as you Live is no different to shopping online normally. It's just as secure and your shopping won't cost you a penny more. In fact, the only difference is the difference it could make to the support we can offer.

Open Give as you Live

Make your donation go further

You can add 25% to your donation by completing our Gift Aid Form. Gift Aid can be claimed on both individual and sponsorship donations provided they are gifts.
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