Cervical Screening Saves Lives. Period

We all remember the heart-breaking pictures of Jade Goody as she left hospital on her last journey home. Heartbreaking wasn’t it? So why have we all so quickly forgotten those harrowing images and why have we all of a sudden stopped going for our smear tests?

Cervical cancer kills - it’s that simple

So if you’ve ever thought, nah – can’t be bothered to go for a smear test – it won’t affect me – think again. Smear tests are there to help detect any nasty, early changes – so why risk throwing your life away for 5 minutes?

Nothing is so frightening as being told you have cervical cancer - nothing.

Fear? Embarrassment? Time?

Fearful of going 

Think again

There is nothing more frightening than being told – you have cancer.


Nurses have seen it all before

If you are feeling embarrassed – you’ve not waxed or are feeling hot and sweaty, nurses have seen it all before and cervical cancer treatment will take away any embarrassment you ever had at the thought of going for a smear. On the flip side too, you are going to feel almightily embarrassed telling your friends and family you’ve got cervical cancer and you didn’t go for a smear test – aren’t you?

No Time to Go

Make time

If you think you haven’t got time. Well, cervical cancer will rob you of time. It will consume time going for tests, chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy. Wouldn’t you rather have that time with your friends and family then spending it at endless hospital appointments?
GO Girls are working in collaboration with Dorset County Hospital to encourage all women between the ages of 25 – 64 attend their smear test.
More Information

Cervical Screening Saves Lives. Period.
Just Do It.

Don't be Another Statistic 
1 in 4 Women Skip their Appointment

Despite the fact 3,200 women are diagnosed with Cervical Cancer every year in the UK. 
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